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Created with Raphaël 2.2.031May30Apr2928272625242319181716141312131213121198231Mar3029232019181615141312111098767676542feat: add DagasOS设计文档.pdfmainmaindocs: buddy sysdoc: add uservec and userretfixed: wrong kernel0 for sbifixed: decl not followed by labelfixed: fix the problem where wait statue is exit_id << 8Merge branch 'main' of into mainfeat: added waitpid and exit_idfixed: page alignfixed&doc: fat32 NULLfeat: add TODO.mdchore: add run_test4chore: add run_test and fix bug file_close deadlockchore: del log.txtchore: add some run_test2chore: add some run_testfixed: xiji not recognize linkfixed: intr_push&intr_popfeat: finish mount initrd.imgmerge from mount branchfeat: finish mountfixed add #IFNDEF INITRDIMG_SIZEfixed: load initrd.img to sdcard.imgfeat: make initrd.imgfeat: stack_vm cleanfixed: awake pre before intr_onfixed: commented mmio legacytestxijitestxijiMerge branch 'main' of into mainadded: getpid and getppidMerge branch 'main' of rm virtio_disk legacy=falsechore: added make xijiMerge branch 'main' of change fs_init to sleep versionMerge branch 'main' of into mainfeat: test_syscallfixed: TAB NOT SPACEgit add .!fixed: added if root mkdir buildMerge branch 'main' of into mainfeat: added ROOT_OR_SUDO