Forked from an inaccessible project.

Baka OS

Continuous Integration

Sync to GitLab

Vendor Dependencies for GitLab

Crates Code Quality

Crates Tests

Kernel Code Quality

Kernel CI

Preliminary test

GitLab repository of the contest

GitHub repository

The GitHub repository is the real repository where the development happens. The GitLab repository is only used for the contest.

Repo introduction

IMPORTANT: For detailed documentations, please refer to the docs directory.

This repository contains mainly three parts, kernel, crates and test_preliminary.

For preliminary test related information, please refer to the from the tests_preliminary directory.

If you are viewing vendored branch from gitlab, there is also a third_party directory, which contains some third party code that the kernel depends on.

This is directory is generated automatically by a iced frog.

You should never modify it manually.

The vendor operation is intended to speed up(and prevent failure) the build process for the contest, so only gitlab contains these branches.


The kernel directory is where the kernel source exists.

For kernel development, you should open your editor/language server's workspace to kernel folder instead of the repo root. Otherwise you may encounter errors like can't find crate for 'test'.

There is a Makefile in this folder, which contains a set of useful commands to build, run and test the kernel.



This build the kernel with debug symbol and no optimization

$ make build

Equivalent to cargo build


Remove all debug symbol of the built artifact.

$ make strip

Build, strip and then run the kernel in QEMU.

$ make run

Build the kernel with debug symbol and run it in QEMU with GDB server enabled.

$ make debug

You have to connect use a GDB client or run make connect to connect to the GDB server.

Also, vscode debugging is supported. Just open the kernel folder in vscode and press F5.


The kernel uses the log crate for logging. You can set the LOG environment variable to control the log level.


$ make run LOG=TRACE

This runs the kernel with log level set to TRACE.

Please note that the log level is hard coded at compile time. But you don't have to worry as run command will rebuild the kernel with the specified log level.

There are 6 log levels in total:

  • WARN
  • INFO
  • OFF

Level ERROR is the highest level, and TRACE is the lowest level.

The default log level is INFO.

Please note that OFF will disable all logging from the log crate, but the kernel may still print some messages to the console. But that should not be a thing to worry about.


The crates directory contains some code that the kernel directly depends on. These code are implemented in separate crates and can therefore be tested separately even on host machine instead of in the kernel.

All crates are registered in a cargo workspace, so you just have to open your editor/language server in the crates folder to edit all crates.

You can run cargo test --all in the folder to test all crates.


This project(including kernel and crates) is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

Some code are derived from other projects, and they are licensed under their own licenses. The file of those crates should contain the license information.

For now, the following crates are derived from other projects:

  • path: derived from .NET standard library and licensed to .NET Foundation under MIT license.

  • TimeSpan struct from time: Partially derived from .NET standard library and licensed to .NET Foundation under MIT license.
