(`-') (`-') <-.(`-')
(OO )_.-> _(OO ) __( OO)
(_| \_)--.,--.(_/,-.\ ,--. (`-') '-'. ,--. .----. .--. .----.
\ `.' / \ \ / (_/ / .' ( OO).-> | .' / \_,-. | /_ | / .. \
\ .') \ / / . / -. (,------. | /) .' .' | | | / \ .
.' \ _ \ /_)' .-. \ `------' | . ' .' /_ | | ' \ / '
/ .'. \ \-'\ / \ `-' / | |\ \ | | | | \ `' /
`--' '--' `-' `----' `--' '--' `------' `--' `---''
+ RISC-V Toolchain: [riscv-gnu-toolchain](
First you need to connect your k210 board to your PC.
Instead of the original file system, xv6-k210 runs with FAT32. You might need an SD card with FAT32 format.
Your SD card should NOT keep a partition table. To start `shell` and other user programs, you need to copy them into your SD card.
First, connect and mount your SD card (SD card reader required).
ls /dev/ # To check your SD device
mount <your SD device name> <mount point>
make sdcard dst="SD card mount point"
umount <mount point>
make run
Sometimes you should change the `USB serial port`:
make run k210-serialport=`Your-USB-port`(default by ttyUSB0)
Ps: Most of the k210-port in Linux is ttyUSB0, if you use Windows or Mac OS, this doc
may help you: [maixpy-doc](
First, make sure `qemu-system-riscv64` is installed on your system.
It will generate a disk image file `fs.img`, and compile some user programs like `shell` then copy them into the `fs.img`.
As long as the `fs.img` exists, you don't need to do this every time before running, unless you want to update it.
Ps: Press Ctrl + A then X to quit qemu.
## About shell
The shell commands are user programs, too. Those program should be put in a "/bin" directory in your SD card or the `fs.img`.
Now we support a few useful commands, such as `cd`, `ls`, `cat` and so on.
In addition, `shell` supports some shortcut keys as below:
- Ctrl-H -- backspace
- Ctrl-U -- kill a line
- Ctrl-D -- end of file (EOF)
- Ctrl-P -- print process list
## Add my programs on xv6-k210
1. Make a new C source file in `xv6-user/` like `myprog.c`, and put your codes;
2. You can include `user.h` to use the functions declared in it, such as `open`, `gets` and `printf`;
3. Add a line "`$U/_myprog\`" in `Makefile` as below:
$U/_myprog\ # Don't ignore the leading '_'
4. Then make:
make userprogs
Now you might see `_myprog` in `xv6-user/` if no error detected. Finally you need to copy it into your SD (see [here](#run-on-k210-board))
or FS image (see [here](#run-on-qemu-system-riscv64)).
## Progress
- [x] Multicore boot
- [x] Bare-metal printf
- [x] Memory alloc
- [x] Page Table
- [x] Timer interrupt
- [x] S mode extern interrupt
- [x] Receive uarths message
- [x] SD card driver